The SP&PFM project in Burkina Faso is supporting the dissemination of the Social Mutual Development Strategy across the country’s 13 regions. Outreach tours thus far (first quarter 2023) targeted four regions: Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts-Bassins, Centre-Ouest and Plateau-Centrale.

 The purpose of these tours is to ensure the effective involvement and collaboration among all actors to successfully implement the strategy. While various actors, including the central, state and local authorities and NGOs, are involved in the strategy’s implementation, it had not been popularized since its adoption in May 2019. As a result, the many actors involved have not embraced the strategy.

 The outreach tours in the four regions enabled approximately 140 actors to be reached, averaging around 35 persons per region. Field trips are ongoing and are expected to reach approximately 315 implementing actors. The strategy for the operationalization of the universal health insurance scheme relies on social mutuals to reach populations in the informal sector and rural areas, and it delegates certain functions to social mutuals, such as social mobilization and social control.

 Learn more about SP&PFM in Burkina Faso