The ILO Nepal and the ILO Jakarta Offices recently organized a tripartite delegation visit (9–12 May) from Nepal to Indonesia to discuss social protection systems, social security administration, information and communication technologies and the management of health insurance systems. The delegation representing government, civil society and social partners was hosted by the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Social Security Administrator for Employment) of Indonesia.
Delegates from Indonesia and Nepal
The ILO Nepal and the ILO Jakarta Offices recently organized a tripartite delegation visit (9–12 May) from Nepal to Indonesia to discuss social protection systems, social security administration, information and communication technologies and the management of health insurance systems. The delegation representing government, civil society and social partners was hosted by the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Social Security Administrator for Employment) of Indonesia.
The 20-member delegation met with the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan’s Director of IT and Strategic Planning, Pramudya Iriawan Buntoro; Director of General Affairs and Human Resources, Abdur Rahman Irsyadi; Deputy Director for Public and Inter-institutional Affairs, Oni Marbun; and nearly 50 staff persons from different departments. They talked of their experiences with Indonesia’s employment-related social security scheme; strategies for coverage extension; mechanisms for contribution collection and compliance; financing and investment policies; and information and technology management systems and technology utilization in providing services and benefits.
With the President-Director of BPJS Kesehatan (Social Security Administrator for Health), Ali Ghufron Mukti, they heard of good practices on the management of health insurance schemes and interactions with employment-related schemes. The visit also included the Graha Branch Office to observe its service delivery and learning centre. At the conclusion of the visit, Danduraj Ghimire, Joint-Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security and head of the Nepalese Delegation, emphasized the importance of the visit and the takeaways from the experiences and how they would strengthen the capacity of the Social Security Fund staff to better administer and deliver social security provisions in Nepal.
The learning visit was supported by the Enhancing Social Protection System: Towards Investments for Results in Nepal Project of the SP&PFM program jointly implemented by the ILO, UNICEF and the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors.
Read more about SP&PFM in Nepal here.