On 6 to 9 June 2023, in Hanoi, Viet Nam, the SP&PFM Programme and ITC ILO implemented a three day-training aims specifically at strengthening the set of rules and procedures that govern the use of social protection budgets. Governments’ officials from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam in charge of executing the social protection resources became familiar with the constraints faced by the Ministry of Finance, and also grasp potential ways to improve the control, accountability, transparency and management of resources. Social partners of these countries also benefited from learning about the internal process of social protection budget execution.

Contact: Dat, Nguyen Hai, dat@ilo.org 




Learning objectives

  • Become familiar with fundamental concepts and principles in social protection, including the ILO international social security standards.
  • Understand the key features and stages of the Public Financial Management cycle and where social protection financing can be located within this.
  • Interpret national budget documents and data, particularly in relation to
    social protection expenditure and budget execution (e.g. accounting and
    reporting, policy-based fiscal strategy and budgeting).
  • Understand how public finance management performance is assessed and identify possible bottlenecks and challenges in their own national context (e.g. external scrutiny and audit).
  • Identify options for overcoming any PFM-related challenges through a range of potential PFM reforms.
  • Understand how to make the case for medium-term plans for financing
    social protection in their own context.

    Read the press release here, or view the photo gallery here.