In an effort to enhance ownership and greater analysis of fiscal space, the SP&PFM country project in Senegal conducted a three-day capacity-building activity (8–10 May) for parliamentarians and officers from institutions in charge of social protection: the Conseil Economique Sociale et Environnemental, the Haut Conseil des Collectivités Territoriales, the Union des Associations des Elus Locaux, the Association des Maires du Sénégal and the Médiature de la République.
These institutions have critical roles in law-making, local administration and policy advising with the Government. The SP&PFM country project considers their deep ownership of the important results derived from fiscal space analysis as essential. The capacity-building training aimed to empower the participants from these
Capacity building activity in Senegal
institutions to advocate for “more and better investment in social protection” based on evidence. Thus, the country project sought to equip them with the necessary skills to participate in an upcoming national dialogue on the sustainable financing of social protection in Senegal.
The training covered an in-depth understanding of fiscal space and the preparation process for a national budget encompassing revenue, expenditure, and associated procedures. Participants also delved into the challenges related to the eight options for expanding the fiscal space for social protection, along with the required corresponding measures. Another area of focus was the importance of initiating a national dialogue to mediate between potential avenues for broadening the fiscal space for social protection.
The training also highlighted the different channels through which social protection investments impact macroeconomic indicators, particularly inequality, poverty, and income growth. The participants insights into social protection financing sources and the elements needed to effectively advocate for increased fiscal space dedicated to social protection.
At the conclusion of the training, each institution formulated a road map to guide their future actions in the realm of social protection financing reforms and mechanisms. Notably, the establishment of a social protection internetwork emerged as a significant outcome, receiving high appreciation and applause from the Délégué Général on social protection, who had long advocated for its creation. The participants agreed on 17 measures to be immediately pursued in their advocacy efforts with the Government, including notices to the President, technical notes and committee reports tailored to the specific needs of each institution. They also recommended additional financing mechanisms for consideration in future work: a tax on the export of unprocessed products and a tax on entertainment, among others.
With strengthened skills and understanding and a united front forged among the institutional actors, Senegal’s social protection landscape is poised to witness significant advancements. The commitment demonstrated during this training reinforces the nation’s dedication to ensuring sustainable financing for social protection and promoting the well-being of its citizens.
Read more about SP&PFM in Senegal here.