Inadequate resource mobilization and budgeting are common and significant barriers to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in labour market in Kyrgyzstan.
It is critical that government officers understand the most effective ways to design a disability-inclusive national budget, then allocate its provisions and monitor the process. The SP&PFM country project has developed a manual on budget planning and monitoring for the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Migration and civil society groups.
The guide covers the budget process and monitoring, legislative and institutional frameworks, the main directions of fiscal policy, state budget expenditures, strategic approaches based on lessons learned and good practices.
It is available in Russian and English and will be distributed among national stakeholders and posted on internet portals. It provides budgeting tools that can influence government policies, notably the direct resource allocations on disability issues, and monitor the allocation expenditure to deliver needed services.
Participants in Kyrgystan at a budget meeting
In addition, the step-by-step budget guide helps organizations of persons with disabilities track resource allocations more quickly and systematically, which is useful for better advocating for adequate resources for persons with disabilities.
Read more about SP&PFM in Kyrgyzstan here.