Viet Nam

New Party’s Resolution 42-NQ/TW endorsed at the highest political level
The resolution will shape the new direction for reforming social policies in Viet Nam to 2030 and vision to 2045, reflecting the key messages advocated by the ILO.

Gender training package for policy advocacy in Social Protection finalised and uploaded to Viet Nam Women Union’s websites
The package will improve gender responsiveness and sensitivity in the implementation of Social Protection in Viet Nam. It has been implemented by the Viet Nam’s Women’s Union, contributing to the capacity building of its staff at central and local levels to actively participate in the policy discussion and dialogues to promote gender equality in social protection in Vietnam.

Social security legislation and maternity protection evaluated with a view to ratifying Convention No. 102
Reports and policy briefs were produced identifying main coverage gaps and setting viable options for expanding maternity protection through a multi-tiered maternity benefits system towards universal coverage.
Viet Nam has a relatively well-developed social security system, that covers several branches. However, the system is still significantly fragmented, with schemes for different groups of beneficiaries presenting low levels of alignment and coordination. Despite considerable efforts, the country still faces multiple coverage challenges, with millions of vulnerable families and children being left out. The impact of these gaps has been further highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Against this backdrop, this project seeked to contribute to the development of a more effective, efficient and gender-sensitive social security system in Viet Nam. It promoted, through technical support, capacity building and knowledge dissemination, the introduction of a multi-tiered child benefit (MTCB) in the social security system. The project activities also contributed to the ongoing revision of the Viet Nam’s Social Insurance Law (2014), which will magnify the impact and sustainability of the project’s activities.
The multi-tiered child benefit aims to offer contributory and non-contributory benefits to families upon the birth of a child. This policy instrument has gained significant political momentum in Viet Nam in 2021 and is now considered by the government as a key component of the revision of the Social Insurance Law (2014). The project supported the study and analysis of the most adequate design and implementation plan for its introduction.
Key results achieved in 2022-23
- New Party’s Resolution 42-NQ/TW has been endorsed by highest political authority in Viet Nam (2023). This resolution will shape the new direction for reforming social policies in Viet Nam to 2030 and vision to 2045. The resolution reflected the key messages advocated by the ILO, including (i) Development of a sustainable multi-tier and responsive social protection system, ensure no one left behind; (ii) Development of social protection floor (SPF) in Viet Nam; (iii) Fiscal space for social policy should be mobilised in accordance with the social policy targets and state capacity, in which state budget should play a central role; (iv) Investing in social policy/social protection is investing for development; (v) Social protection policies development and implementation should be placed within a broad sustainable socio-economic development and (vi) Viet Nam will strive to become the path finder country in the Global Accelerator initiative be UN and ILO.
- Draft framework for the measurement of expenditure in social protection programmes and social policies completed.
- Joint MOLISA-ILO report on social expenditure in Viet Nam, including the projection of expenditure for social protection and social policies in Vietnam to 2030 and 2045.
- The draft training package on gender perspectives in social protection in Viet Nam was developed. This training package focuses on strengthening general knowledge of ILS on social protection and gender issues. The package also presents suggestions regarding the role Women’s Union staff at all levels can play in advocating for gender sensitive and gender responsive social protection.
News & Events
- Workshop for finalising and piloting a gender training package for policy advocacy in social protection, with members of staff from the Vietnam Women’s Union, 6–8 December 2022
- Training workshop: Social protection, Gender Equality. The role of Viet Nam Women’s Union on 6-8 December 2022 in Can Tho
- Consultation workshop: Social security Training materials for Viet Nam Women’s Union on 11 November 2022 in Ha Noi
- Training and consultation on social security policies for workers on 3-4 November 2022 in Kien Giang province
- Training course: Social protection policy and the role of enterprises on 29 October 2022 in Can Tho
- Training and consultation on social security policies for workers on 27-28 October 2022 in Hai Phong. Government article website and Article on Trade Union
- Human interest story: Advocating for universal maternity coverage for Vietnamese women (May 2023)
- Vietnam Women’s Union develops new training package for gender-responsive social protection (6-8 December)
- Strengthening Social Security In Viet Nam – The Case For Greater Coordination And Alignment
- Economic expansion through social investment in Viet Nam: An empirical estimation of fiscal multipliers (Report and policy brief)
Towards a Comprehensive Social Security System in Viet Nam Policy Recommendations for 2030, with a vision towards 2045
The project will be implemented by the ILO in direct collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, through its Social Security and Social Assistance Departments, and the Viet Nam Women’s Union. Other stakeholders, including the Ministry of Finance, Viet Nam Social Security, the Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, will engage in specific activities.
Andre Gama, Social Protection Programme Manager, CO Hanoi,
Nuno Cunha, Sr Technical Specialist, Social Protection, ILO DWT for East and South-East Asia and the Pacific,
Workshop for Vietnam Women’s Union staff on a gender training package for policy advocacy in social protection, December 2022

Training and consultation on social security policies for workers in Nha Trang, 24-25 October 2022
Training course: Social protection policy and the role of enterprises in Daklak province, 22 October 2022
Training course: Social protection policy and the role of enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City, 18 October 2022

Consultation workshop: Social security Training materials for Viet Nam Women’s Union in Nam Dinh province, 11-12 October 2022

Training course towards gender responsive social protection policies in Viet Nam in Da Nang City, 12-13 May 2022