
New single instrument for collecting sociodemographic information applied in 2,732 households

The Ficha de Protección Social Integrada (FIPS) was applied to 25% do the population of the Villeta Disctrict. This tool seeks to unify the different mechanisms used by national authorities to collect information for the design of social policies and the provision of social services.

142 officials (over 80% women) from more than 34 institutions trained to monitor and evaluate social protection programmes in the context of results-based budgeting

SP&PFM developed and rolled-out a university diploma course on public finance management for the design and management of social protection programmes within the context of the Social Protection System ¡Vamos!. This was a tailored educational program and a developed diploma transferred to a prestigious local educational institution for continuous implementation beyond the project.

17 officials from the Ministry of Finance participated in experience-exchange mission with counterparts in Chile

Mission was carried out to exchange experiences between the two countries on monitoring and evaluation of social protection policies and programmes within the framework of results-based budgeting.

The projectImproving Synergies Between Social Protection & Public Finance Management provided technical assistance to the Government of Paraguay in public finance management and resource identification for social protection. The project also supported the design and initial implementation of the Social Protection System ¡Vamos! in four selected territories. Lastly, the joint initiative promoted efficiency by building capacity to develop social protection programmes in the context of the recently adopted results-based budgeting. 

The project foresaw four outputs:

  1. Efficiency and effectiveness of social protection resource mobilisation and expenditure.
  2. Implementation of the social protection system ¡Vamos! in four selected territories.
  3. Building institutional capacity for developing social protection programmes in the context of the social protection system and results-based budgeting.
  4. Increasing knowledge, awareness and ownership of the social protection system ¡Vamos! across public institutions, beneficiaries and civil society.

    Key achievements


    • Increased inter-institutional coordination on issues related to social protection, and in particular closer coordination between the Ministry of Finance and the Technical Unit of the Social Cabinet;  
    • Training of national stakeholders on public finance for social protection, scaling-up of the course for Latin American stakeholders;  
    • Completion of the data collection for the study on the multiplier effects of social protection expenditure in Paraguay; 
    • Support to the implementation of the social protection system ¡Vamos! at the local level. 


    • dThe project became the visible face of ¡Vamos! in the four territories selected for the system’s pilot phase. The project established Local Social Protection Committees and built capacity at the local level to identify service offer and coverage gaps, as well as local vulnerable population and plan accordingly. 
    • The project created a tailored training course for the Latin American context on public finances for social protection and successfully trained 49 civil servants and constituents from Paraguay and other countries, creating capacity and a platform for knowledge exchange on public finance management for social protection. A diploma on design, implementation and monitoring of social protection programmes was developed. 
    • The project developed a mobile application for individuals and households. Through the app, the final beneficiaries of the social protection system are able to know the service offer available to them in their specific territory. The app was finalised and validated, and its launch was aligned with the government plan for the rollout of the social protection system. 
    • Several of the project’s performance indicators were well on track to being achieved, notably those pertaining to Outputs 1, 2 and 3. The “Training sessions delivered” performance indicators for output 3 exceeded its target and continued to expand in 2022 with the delivery of additional training programs. 
    • Additionally, the project created a space for the continuous work on social protection between the Technical Unit of the Social Cabinet and the Ministry of Finance and supported the Paraguayan government in achieving the EU Budget Support milestones.




    The project was developed jointly by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Delegation of the European Union office in Asunción (EU) and the Government of Paraguay through the Technical Unit of the Social Cabinet (UTGS) and the General Budget Directorate (DGP) of the Ministry of Finance (MoF).


    Mr. Guillermo Montt, ILO Social Protection Specialist,

    Ms. Verónica Herken, ILO National Project Coordinator,

    Mr. Gustavo Rojas, UNICEF Social Policy Officer,

    Ms. María Lilia Robledo, UNICEF Social Policy Officer,

    Brochure showcasing the project’s main results and activities (August 2023).

    International Seminar was held on Social Protection and Public Finance in Paraguay, 29 March 2023.
    (In Spanish)

    First edition of the Diploma in Design and Management of Social Protection Programs with a Focus on Results-based Budget in the Framework of the Social Protection System ¡Vamos!November 2022. (In Spanish)

    Social protection reaches remote native community in Paraguay’s Chaco region. November 2022. (In Spanish)

    Martina Chilavert, a beneficiary of social protection system ¡Vamos! recounts what it means to get an ID for the first time. December 2021 (In Spanish).

    Martina Chilavert, a beneficiary of the Paraguayan social protection system  ¡Vamos!, show her first ID card. December 2021.

    Launch of Diploma in Design and Management of Social Protection Programs, developed and offered by the project. March 2022 (In Spanish).

    Meeting of the Local Social Protection Committee of the social protection system Vamos! supported by the project. October 2021.

    Implementation of the Social Protection System ¡Vamos!, supported by the project. March 2021.